2010-2011 Season
Armitage Gone! Dance
July 8, 2010 - 8:00 pm
featuring live music by Burkina Electric
Celebrate Brooklyn
Prospect Park Bandshell- Brooklyn, NY
Armitage Gone! Dance - U.S. TOUR
July 14-17, 2010 - 8:00 pm
July 17-18, 2010 - 2:00 pm
Three Theories
Ted Shawn Theater - Becket, Massachusetts
Karole Armitage Choreography and musical staging - DEATH AND THE POWERS
Learn More About Death and the Powers
September 24-26, 2010
Music: Tod Machover
Director: Diane Paulus
Set Design: Alex McDowell
Choreographer: Karole Armitage
Conductor: Gil Rose
Jim Maddalena
Patrica Risley
Joelle Harvey
Hal Cazalet
Opèra de Monte-Carlo, Monaco
Armitage Gone! Dance - Think Punk!
3:00 PM October 17, 2010
Excerpts from The Watteau Duets – live music featuring TALIBAM!
Excerpts from Drastic-Classicism – live music featuring Steve Gunn and TALIBAM!
Abrons Art Center
466 Grand Street NY, NY
Arts & Education Performance for NYC Schools
Armitage Gone! Dance - Think Punk!
10:00AM and 1PM October 18, 2010
Excerpts from The Watteau Duets – live music featuring TALIBAM!
Excerpts from Drastic-Classicism – live music featuring Steve Gunn and TALIBAM!
Abrons Art Center
466 Grand Street NY, NY
Armitage Gone! Dance - Think Punk!
October 18, 2010 - 8:00pm Salon and Stage Performance
Choreographer Karole Armitage
Composer Rhys Chatham
Artist James Nares
and other special guests talking about the late 70s NY scene when punk was born and the arts took note.
$10.00 Tickets available at the door.
includes panel discussion with audience participation, performance, a glass of wine and conversation shared by audience, dancers, musicians and panelists.
Excerpts from The Watteau Duets – live music featuring TALIBAM!
Excerpts from Drastic-Classicism – live music featuring Steve Gunn and TALIBAM!
466 Grand Street NY, NY
Arts & Education Performance for NYC Schools
Armitage Gone! Dance - Think Theoretical!
November 3, 2010 - 10:00 am & 1:00 pm
Excerpts from Three Theories
Three Theories is inspired by Brian Greene’s best selling book on theoretical physics, The Elegant Universe. The book describes the inherent conflict between the two pillars of 20th Century theoretical physics: Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, and introduces the upstart newcomer known as String Theory – a theory that ventures into the remarkable ideas emerging from attempts to resolve the conflict.
Abrons Art Center
466 Grand Street NY, NY
Armitage Gone! Dance - U.S. Tour
November 5, 2010 - 7:30 pm
Three Theories
Lawrence, KS
Watch Karole's video blog about this upcoming performance.
The Joyce Theater
April 26, - May 8, 2011